Sample Table
Using Markdown extension
When writing we can type "!" and first character of suit name to generate ♣: clubs, ♦: diamonds, ♥: hearts, ♠ spades We can insert hands inline with one pragma. Start with '!' and '{' and the keyword 'hand'. Then type in the hand in pseudo .LIN format. E.g. SAKQ.HAKQ.DAKQ.CAKQJ That is the suit and cards AKQT9876432 a dot '.' and then next suit. Of course you could still just type '!' 's' and then AKQ to get ♠AKQ, but the {hand } pragma puts the display in a CSS division to format. Also, you can do {fhand to get a full hand in a table. Finally the '!'{deal pragma takes 4 parameters to display a full deal, perhaps it should be call deal not 'diagram' First is D and the dealer id 'NESW', second is the Vulnerabilty: 0=None, B=Both, N=N-S and E=E-W. The remaining parameters are 4 hands, defined like the LIN format above
I wanted to bid 1♥ but the ops opened 1♠
Could we bid 2 or 2♣ ?
Hand in a diagram
Inline hand:
I had the following deal
Rest of the article
TBD: E-W example